Archive Page 2

One More Cancer Risk with HRT

A new study published in the Clinical Journal of Oncology shows that women who use combined estrogen and progestin therapy have a higher risk of lung cancer. The risk is obviously even higher if your a smoker but with the incidences of second hand smoke lung cancer rising there is reason to be cautious. It also says that the risk is higher the longer hormone replacement therapy is used and that goes along with the current guidelines of using HRT for the shortest amount of time possible. Yet with risks like this is it even worth taking it at all? You let me know. In the meantime, check out Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-identical Hormone Replacement: The Science Explained by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard Ph.D with a foreword by Suzanne Somers.

Breast Cancer Rate Dips Seen In Affluent Women

For the past few years scientists and researchers have noticed a decline in the number of breast cancer cases reported and have been trying to determine why. This drop started occurring after 2002, the year the results of the WHI findings were released and thousands of women stopped taking their hormone replacement pills. Coincidence? I think not, and neither do the scientists especially since the decline comes from women that have estrogen receptive positive tumors. Harvard researchers studied 350,000 women with breast cancer and found the decline stems from women stopping their hormone replacement therapy. Also the group of women that this decline was most prevalent in, was white affluent women. This particular group of women was also more likely to take hormone replacement therapy than their less affluent and/ or minority counterparts. Now some may argue that this doesn’t mean bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is safe but it does tell you one thing. The increase in bio-identical hormone usage isn’t causing the breast cancer incidence rate to increase so it has to be safer on some level right? Read the article here and form your own opinion on the topic.

Hormone Therapy Raises Risks, Even Early On

Here’s an article that discusses the findings of Harvard researchers who discovered that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) offers none of the protection against health risks and may actually increase the risk of a heart attack. This study basically proved what they started to find during the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) until they stopped it because they realized that they were putting women’s lives in danger. Enlighten yourself by reading the article here and educate other women so that they know about the dangers of HRT. For more information about the differences between synthetic hormones and bio-identical hormones read the book, Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-identical Hormone Replacement: The Science Explained by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard Ph.D with a foreword by Suzanne Somers.

We Should All Write to Congress in Support of BHRT!

I know a few people have been concerned about what will happen to bio-identical hormones when the new healthcare is passed but since that seems a bit far off we should focus our attention on stopping the FDA from spreading lies about Bio-identical Hormone Replacement. One of my co-workers came across a letter to a congressman that urges them to stop the FDA being swayed by Big Pharma. The letter is anonymous but from a man whose wife is a physician that recognized the benefits of BHRT and is tired of hearing the FDA “spread hogwash”. Read the actual letter here and to whoever wrote this I applaud you for your effort! You’ve inspired me to write a letter and let’s hope others will follow your lead and do the same! Let’s hope congress will realize that the FDA is slandering BHRT because Big Pharma is still working on a way to profit from bio-identical hormones.

How Lab Tests Can Help You and Your Hormones

One of the biggest complaints opponents of bio-identical hormones have is that the methods used to determine the dosages of hormones are inaccurate. They constantly pan saliva testing as scientifically inaccurate and dangerous. Yet saliva testing is only one type of lab testing available to help a patient and doctor determine the proper treatment plan. A recent post on Menopause the blog features an interview with the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Patrick Hanaway of Genovo Diagnostics and may answer some of the questions women have about lab testing for bio-identical hormone replacement. Read the interview here and let me know what you think about salivary testing or just testing in general for hormones.

Stay Young and Sexy With Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: The Science Explained

It’s been more than a decade since Dr. Jonathan Wright introduced the concept of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with the book Natural Hormone Replacement for Women Over 45 (Wright JVW, Morgenthaler J. Smart Publications, 1997), at a time when only a handful of clear thinking, knowledgeable doctors had ever heard about bio-identical hormones.

Many women first learned the truth about HRT and BHRT from that first book; others later heard about it from TV celebrity Suzanne Somers, who described her personal experiences with a different version of BHRT in the first of a series of books. But the real stampede away from HRT and toward BHRT began in 2002 with the premature termination of a large, government-funded study—the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)—the results of which confirmed that the risks of conventional HRT unquestionably outweighed its benefits.

In their new updated book, authors Wright and Lenard will bring to light many examples of “forgotten” or “ignored” scientific studies combined with up-to-date clinical experience that provide solid support for the safety and benefits of BHRT.

Buy the book here.

Bio-Identical Hormones: The Debate

Here’s a great article from Senior Magazine about Bio-Identical Hormones. Bio-Identical Hormones: The Debate. It’s well written, educational and truthful..kind of like the book Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-Identical Hormones: The Science Explained By Dr. Jonathan Wright and Lane Lenard Ph.D. The books comes out this weekend so don’t forget to buy it and learn everything you need to know about Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement.

One More Reason To Be Cautious About HRT…or just not use it at all..

As I mentioned in a blog post last week, there are a laundry list of side effects when it comes to using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Well it’s time to add on one more. It seems that HRT can increase a women’s chance of developing asthma. Now to be fair it says in the study that its estrogen-only therapy that causes this so I’m assuming that if you take progesterone as well you’ll be fine but really one more thing women need to worry about it. I swear it’s articles like these that make the decision to take bio-identical hormone replacement a lot easier. Read the article, “Estrogen Hormone Therapy Linked to Asthma in Study” and let me know how you feel about hormone replacement therapy .

Suzanne Somers Interviews Dr. Jonathan Wright

Suzanne Somers, who wrote the foreword for the book Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: The Science Explained, is interviewing Dr. Jonathan Wright for a series of blog posts on her blog. Dr. Wright has been featured in a few of Suzanne’s books including Ageless and The Sexy Years and is one of the authors of the Stay Young and Sexy along with Lane Lenard Ph.D. The first blog is about Vitamin K and how it can eliminate menstrual clotting. Read it here and don’t forget to buy Dr. Wright’s new book so that all your questions on Bio-identical Hormone Replacement can be answered.

Pfizer’s Ghostwritten Hormone Therapy Articles Not Retracted?

I think its disgusting the way that Big Pharma uses their money to further the ideas that their drugs are safe. Even worse the government and respected medical journals are their puppets. I came across this article this morning titled, Why are Pfizer’s Ghostwritten Hormone Therapy Articles Not Retracted? and it made me so happy that somebody is calling foul on the US National Library of Medicine and their decision to overlook the ethics of providing access to an obviously unscientific ghostwritten article. It’s bad enough that these companies have doctors on their pay rolls, but to include top medical schools and their journals is disturbing. So often these schools are lauded for their scientific work and medical advances, yet they can’t even bother to check the accuracy of the studies they publish. I thought the purpose of medicine was to find cures for illnesses and pain not cause it. When you provide doctors with studies saying that hormone replacement therapy  (HRT) is safe then you are causing an increased risk of a laundry list of health problems for thousands of women. I know there are tons of women that swear by HRT and say that without it they couldn’t have gotten through menopause but that’s not the point. The point is that there is false information being provided by the company making the drugs and it’s not being questioned by the authorities in place to protect us. You can learn more about the lies of companies such and Wyeth and UpJohn by buying the book, Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: The Science Explained by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenard Ph.D with a forword by Suzanne Somers.